Post-doctoral fellow - iPSC models of Gaucher disease and Parkinson's disease
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About the position
We are seeking a talented and enthusiastic postdoctoral fellow to join our team in the Molecular Neurogenetics Section (MNS) at the National Human Genome Research (NHGRI), NIH, located in Bethesda, Maryland. The MNS, led by Ellen Sidransky, M.D., focuses on the causes of phenotypic diversity encountered in a single gene disorder, applying the insights gained to better understand complex disease. Gaucher disease, the prototype disorder studied, is the recessively inherited deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme glucocerebrosidase. This well-characterized disorder has broad clinical diversity, ranging from death in utero to asymptomatic octogenarians, with both non-neurologic and neuronopathic forms. Her group recognized an important relationship between Gaucher disease and Parkinson disease (PD), a common, multifactorial disease. Our current research aims to elucidate the relationship between glucocerebrosidase and PD, to identify factors contributing to clinical heterogeneity in single gene disorders, and to develop new therapies for patients. The incumbent will join a group of bench scientists and clinicians to investigate the relationship between Gaucher disease and PD using iPSC-derived disease models. While candidates with a wide range of expertise will be considered, applicants with a background in iPSC culture and differentiation, organoids, CRISPR, fluorescence microscopy, proteomics and/or Next Generation Sequencing are especially encouraged to apply.
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What you'll need to apply
Applicants must have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree (or anticipate receiving their degree in the near future) with less than five years of postdoctoral experience. Applicants should have the ability to carry out independent research, a strong interest in interdisciplinary approaches and collaborative research and have published articles in peer-reviewed journals. Training in cell biology, iPSCs, biochemistry, molecular biology, and Next Generation Sequencing is preferred.
Contact name
Dr. Ellen Sidransky
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