
Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Eureka College

Job Description

Eureka College invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position in Business Administration at the rank of Assistant Professor, starting August 2025. We seek broadly trained candidates with a focus in Finance or Entrepreneurship. Responsibilities include teaching lower- and upper-division courses in finance, strategy and international business, as well as contributing to Eureka’s general education program. Annual teaching load is 4-4. The successful candidate will have a record of effective teaching and active scholarship. A DBA, MBA or Ph.D. in a related field is desired by the time of appointment . Successful candidates will share a commitment to a liberal arts education and demonstrate the potential for excellence in teaching, service, and scholarship.

Eureka College values excellent teaching at the college level that employs a variety of methods to address all learners in the classroom. The small college setting requires professors to be generalists who can be interdisciplinary in their approach to teaching without neglecting the rigors of their respective disciplines. Professors are expected to serve on departmental and college committees, and to continue professional activity and/or scholarly research.
Application Materials
Submit an application, cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement which addresses your approach to teaching in a liberal-arts environment and 3 references. Print materials may be sent to Human Resources Eureka College, 300 E. College Avenue, Eureka, and IL 61530. Questions about the position should be directed to Prof. Chris Wille, chair of the search committee at

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